
Prof. Alan Andreasen

Georgetown University

Alan R. Andreasen is Professor of Marketing at Georgetown University. He is a world leader in the application of marketing to nonprofit organizations, social marketing, and the market problems of disadvantaged consumers. He is the author or editor of eighteen books (including revisions), numerous monographs, over 135 articles, book chapters and conference papers. He has advised, carried out research, and conducted executive seminars for the World Bank, American Cancer Society, AARP, USAID, CDC, American Red Cross, United Way of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America and public health programs in the developing world. He is board member of Gifts in Kind International. He was awarded the 2007 Richard W. Pollay Prize for Intellectual Excellence in Research on Marketing in the Public Interest and, in 2008, the first lifetime achievement award of the Marketing and Society Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association.